MINTbase v2.0: a database for the interactive exploration of mitochondrial and nuclear tRNA fragments (tRFs)

Datasets included in MINTbase

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The table below contains all studies of the primary data included in MINTbase.

Coresponding Author's Name (Data Deposition) Coresponding Author's Institution (Data Deposition) Publication (Data Deposition) Submission Date Description
M. Friedlaender MDC, Berlin-Buch 21911355 2017-10-25 microRNAs (miRNAs) are a large class of small non-coding RNAs which post-transcriptionally regulate the expression of a large fraction of all animal genes and are important in a wide range of biological processes. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing allow miRNA detection at unprecedented sensitivity, but the computational task of accurately identifying the miRNAs in the background of sequenced RNAs remains challenging.
S. Srinivasan UCSD Cell 177, 446?462 2019-03-14 Exosomes isolated from Serum Exosomes
T. The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network National Institutes of Health (NCI and NHGRI) Initial TCGA publication 2016-04-28 TCGA Dataset (Primary solid Tumor) in project SARC (Sarcoma). The primary dataset was downloaded on 16Oct2015 and the clinical meta data is from 28Oct2015.
- - PMID: 19850906 2016-03-11 Small RNA-seq
- - PMID: 24037378 2016-03-11 Small RNA-seq
P. Kabos Dept of Medicine, University of Colorado PMID: 24906430 2016-03-11 High-throughput sequencing of RNA isolated by crosslinking immunoprecipitation (HITS-CLIP) of Argonaute (Ago) protein
Y. Kirino Computational Medicine Center, Thomas Jefferson University PMID: 26124144 2016-02-22 SHOT-RNAs found by isolating library by cP-RNA-seq, followed by the gel-purification of 30-35 nt target size, so 5' tRNA-halves could be captured selectively.
P. Sethupathy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill PMID: 26646011 2016-02-24 Small RNA-seq
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We gratefully acknowledge support of this work by the William M. Keck Foundation.

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