RNA22 full sets of predictions

View this predictions in our RNA22 visualization tool | Use RNA22 to create your own predictions with our RNA22 dynamic prediction tool

If you use any of the below please cite: Miranda, KC et al (2006) A pattern-based method for the identification of MicroRNA binding sites and their corresponding heteroduplexes Cell, 126, 1203-1217, 10.1016/j.cell.2006.07.031.

From this page you can download the full sets of miRNA target predictions created with RNA22 and used by our RNA22 visualization tool.

Homo Sapiens


lincRNA & lncRNA

Mus Musculus


How to read the files and extract coordinates

Suppose that you have the following line

hsa_miR_xxxx ENSG00000048028_ENST00000003302_11_-1 **cDNA_FROM_3557_TO_3902 321 test.seq -23.799999 GTCTCTCTCCTTTCTTTT GAAAGAGAGCTGAGTGTG ..(.(((..((((((((( )))))))))..))).).. 13 13 18 0 0 quality_estimate(higher-is-better)= 1.437500 3'UTR

Each line of the miR file is a predicted target site for that miR.

  • Column 1 (and filename): name of miR
  • Column 2: Ensembl Gene ID, Ensembl Transcript ID, chromosome, and strand (-1 for reverse, 1 for sense)
  • Column 3 & 4: Both of these columns are used to calculate the start/end location of the predicted target site that the miR targets – see section below.
  • Column 5: always test.seq (you can ignore this)
  • Column 6: binding energy in -Kcal/mol of the predicted heteroduplex between microRNA and the targeted messenger RNA
  • Column 7: target site sequence
  • Column 8: miR sequence
  • Column 9-10: shows you where the base pairings are for the formed heteroduplex
  • Column 11 & 12: always the same, the number of paired nucleotides in the heteroduplex
  • Column 13: the span/length of the predicted target (will be used to calculate the start/end location of the predicted target site that the miR targets – see section below)
  • Column 14-15: please ignore and do not use
  • Column 16: for RNA22v1.0, this column (quality_estimate) should be ignored.  For RNA22v2.0 this column represents the p-value.  The p-value represents the likelihood that the target site loci is random. That is, a lower p-value represents a greater chance that the loci contains a valid MRE
  • Column 17: region information (5′UTR, CDS, 3′UTR) for the predicted target site. Please note, a predicted target could overlap in both parts in which both parts will be specified

To calculate the local (1-based index) coordinates (These coordinates are relative to the start of the cDNA of the transcript) of the predicted target site:

  1. Use columns 3, 4, and 13
  2. The 4th column is an offset. So for the example above:
    • the start location is 3557 (from column 3) + 321 (from column 4) = 3878
    • the end location is 3557 (from column 3) + 321 (from column 4) + 18 (from column 13) – 1 = 3895


  1. Miranda, KC et al (2006) A pattern-based method for the identification of MicroRNA binding sites and their corresponding heteroduplexes Cell, 126, 1203-1217, 10.1016/j.cell.2006.07.031

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