Platelets 2012

If you use any of the below please cite: P.F. Bray, S.E. McKenzie, L.C. Edelstein, S. Nagalla, K. Delgrosso, A. Ertel, J. Kupper, Y. Jing, E. Londin, P. Loher, H.-W. Chen, P. Fortina, and I. Rigoutsos (2013) The Complex Transcriptional Landscape of the Anucleate Human Platelet BMC Genomics. 2013 Jan 16;14:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-1

The following links below allow you to view the data from the paper “The Complex Transcriptional Landscape of the Anucleate Human Platelet”.

  1. Click here to browse through the paper’s data using the local mirror of the UCSC Browser.
  2. Click here to goto the SRA entries for the RAW sequence datasets discussed in the paper.
  3. Other downloadable files include:


  1. P.F. Bray, S.E. McKenzie, L.C. Edelstein, S. Nagalla, K. Delgrosso, A. Ertel, J. Kupper, Y. Jing, E. Londin, P. Loher, H.-W. Chen, P. Fortina, and I. Rigoutsos (2013) The Complex Transcriptional Landscape of the Anucleate Human Platelet BMC Genomics. 2013 Jan 16;14:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-1

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Effort supported in part by the William M. Keck Foundation

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